7 Oct 2022

An event that connects students to the hospitality industry and real estate, sharing insights and career opportunities through roundtable discussion etc.

While it’s all about networking throughout the event, we have created a concept that is based on connecting with others, using graphics and elements that are innovative yet represent the most.

We work through the event from venue decoration, design and production, photography and video production, logistic arrangement and on-site support on the event day. To enhance the event’s momentum, some thoughtful souvenirs were carefully selected to enlighten the guests. We have coordinated with Dot Dot Art, a sheltered workshop, for memorable souvenirs for special guests. The souvenirs are meaningful as they would help autism students from the workshops in different aspects.

#WaTTConnex #designandproduction #backdropdesign #creativedesign #cuhk #eventmanagement #香港心理衞生會 #賽馬會協創坊DotDotArt